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TMOF molecule first used as a biolarvicide.


TMOF research awarded Silver Plow Award from US Dept. of Agriculture.


Achieved US EPA Registration for TMOF_yeast and 17 patents accrued under the auspices of the University of Florida Research Foundation


Exclusive License Agreement with University of Florida for TMOF technology.

EntoGenex Industries (Malaysian Office) awarded $US1000,000.00 by the Ministry of Science, Technology and Innovation for the commercial development of TMOF_yeast Biopesticide.

TMOF_yeast exempt from registration by Singapore National Environment Agency and Malaysian Pesticide Board.


EntoGenex Industries (Malaysian Office) awarded US$700,000.00 Commercialisation Grant from Biotechnology Corporation.

Market-ready MOUSTICIDE developed in two forms, MOUSTICIDE Wettable Powder and MOUSTICIDE Rice Husk MOUSTICIDE Rice Husk awarded Bio Inno Gold Award for innovation in biotechnology.


MOUSTICIDE registered in Malaysia, Singapore, Ghana, Philippines and Myanmar.


MOUSTICIDE fully commercialised and available to market in Singapore, Malaysia, Philippines, Ghana and Myanmar


EntoGenex Industries (Malaysian Office) awarded AIM Innovation Business  Opportunities Award by Agensi Inovasi Malaysia, Prime Minister’s Department.


EntoGenex Industries (Malaysian Office) awarded US$10,000,000.00 to develop a Dengue Control Tool Box using MOUSTICIDE as a core product (awarded by the Ministry of Science, Technology & Innovation).

2015 - 2016

EntoGenex's Dengue Control System implemented through the community programme Komuniti Bebas Denggi (KBD) and achieved 54.7% reduction in Dengue cases. The programme included the distribution on 100,000 EntoGenex Dengue Protection Homek Kits to households and has been endorsed by MOSTI.


Development of market-ready weedicide product (Weedlock) under the Bio-D brand.

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